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Oder option and pull down menues

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:33 pm
by queenofangels
Is there a way to force the checkout process to stop when an item is using the advanced order options and the customer tries to check out without making a selection?? Using the basic options, there's no problem. The customer is stopped from checking out when they haven't made a selection. Not so with the advanced options. I'm not using a more info page on these products.

Re: Oder option and pull down menues

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:28 pm
by Jim
With advanced options all possible option combinations are displayed in a single pull down box. So there should be no options that are not included in one of the pulldown list. For example if you had these options in basic


and there would be 2 pull downs, one for the color and one for the sizes

The advanced options would be the following and they would all be in a single pulldown.
Red small
Red medium
Red large
Blue small
Blue medium
Blue large
Green small
Green medium
Green large

So maybe I don't understand exactly what you are asking?

Re: Oder option and pull down menues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:10 am
by queenofangels
With the basic options when a customer tries to 'check out' without making a selection, a message appears telling them to make a selection before they can proceed. with the advanced options, the first entry in the list is presumed to have been selected by the customer. so if the customer were to select 'check out' there is no message telling them to make a selection, the default is assumed to have been selected when the customer in fact made no selection whatsoever.

Re: Oder option and pull down menues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:27 am
by queenofangels
Found the answer I was looking for. thanks

Re: Oder option and pull down menues

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:49 am
by Jim
And the answer is?

Enter some text to indicate that a selection needs to be made in the input box "Text before option descriptions (e.g. 'Choose' or 'Select')" in the Advance Options section of the product.

That text will be put at the top of the list of option combinations and the shopper won't be able to checkout unless they have selected an option other that the first one.