I have been working on a custom template to call a php program when the ProductField2 contains some data. I want to pass the SKU to this php program.
I have been successful with everything but passing it the SKU. It appears that the parameter is either not passed or I have some syntax error causing my php program to get a null value.
Here is the code in my template:
[-- IF PRODUCT.Field2 --]
<b>[-- STORE.ProductField2 --]:</b> [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]</p>
[-- CALL fw-xref.php(q="PRODUCT.Sku") --]
[-- END_IF --]
My Php program uses the parameter (SKU) to look up data in a SQL database. It worked successfully outside of ShopSite, but based on some diagnostic messages, appears to be getting nothing passed.
Here is what it is printing out:
Connection was OK!
looking up
var sql is = SELECT * FROM `xref` WHERE `SKU` =
query error:
Can you offer any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.