I have the following line in a template:
- Code: Select all
[-- include my-footer.html process --]
the path for the file 'my-footer.html' is '/ss-data/templates/includes/my-footer.html'
When I edit that file, the changes do not show up on the site.
I have flushed the cache, used different computers, etc. The change doesn't "take." The file modification date is correct on the server and if I look at the contents of that file ( less /ss-data/templates/includes/my-footer.html ) it shows my changes.
Question 1: how does the [-- include --] directive know to look in /ss-data/templates/includes/ ? Or does it? Is it looking somewhere else? Where would I change that?
Question 2: why isn't this change being read in?
Question 3: am I going against the "ShopSite Way" to edit this include file directly? If so, what's the proper procedure?