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Need to Remove Add to Cart from Mobile display

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:24 pm
by MgmtSpec
Using Fearless Theme as base for custom template. Kind of odd situation but my client only wants to sell certain items so price or order options removed from product template. Problem is the mobile/responsive version appears to use template mb_MobileDefaultProduct.sst and this generates an "Add to cart" and qty input. I want to remove this so the only way to order an item would be an order anywhere link. I took a screen shot of the HTML inspector but not sure where/what I need to edit to remove the Add to cart from the mobile display.

Suggestions please?

Re: Need to Remove Add to Cart from Mobile display

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:59 am
by Jim
If you are using the Fearless theme, which is responsive, you should not have the Preferences > Mobile feature enabled.

The responsive themes automatically resize the content to fit the screen on which it is being displayed. Enabling the Mobile feature will just cause problems.

As for the add to cart buttons, do you only want to not display them on mobile devices or do you not want to display them on any page generated by ShopSite?

Re: Need to Remove Add to Cart from Mobile display

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:57 pm
by MgmtSpec
Thanks! I think that resolved the issue!

I did not realize the old mobile option was still enabled. I was stumped how the mobile cart template was being invoked as I looked over all the includes/etc and could not find. That explains it.

To answer your question there are SOME products we do want to be able to order or add to cart. I customized the template by copying the SS template/includes and edited out both the price and ordering options. For the products they do want to see I will either make a template with the add to cart included or hand code an "Order Anywhere" link in product data.

The reason behind all of this is they sell mostly wholesale and don't want to alienate dealers by showing prices online. Their dealers are concerned that their dealer customers will see the prices. Its already happened. So they want to focus on items that price is not a concern BUT want the flexibility that down the road they can "activate" online ordering.

Thanks again!