Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Postby webdevla » Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:39 pm

We can set in the back office up to 99 days for keeping the cart alive. Where in the database or cache file does SS store this information? Can we access this data via FTP or SQL?
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Re: Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:52 pm

Where in the database or cache file does SS store this information?

In two separate files (per shopper) in the /ip and /moreip subdirectories of the ShopSite Data Directory. The location of this directory is up to whoever installs the ShopSite application, but you can see what it is in the Preferences -> Hosting Services menu. Note that the file in the /ip directory is just some binary stuff that you won't be able to read, but the file in the /moreip is a text file, not sure if the info that you are looking for will be in it or not, though.

Can we access this data via FTP or SQL?

This depends on your host and how the ShopSite software was installed. Some hosts will have this directory where it is accessible to you via FTP, some will not.

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Re: Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Postby webdevla » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:04 pm

If we wanted to save the data, and then bring it back in the future past the usual SS cache time, do we have to save both files?
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Re: Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Postby Jim » Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:17 pm

Yes, you would need to save both files. Note: to complete the order the shopper (or you) would have to use the same url that they used when they started the order because the url contains the shopping basket ID that matches the two files for each order.

If the files were restored with the original date they would be removed the first time that you go to the backoffice of your store since that step triggers the clean up of abandoned shopping carts. There is also code to clean up abandoned shopping carts when certain of the shopping cart cgis are executed. So when you restore the carts you would want to touch the date so that it is more recent than the length of time you have configured to keep the shopping carts.
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Re: Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Postby webdevla » Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:02 pm

Thanks for the info! Very useful. I have one other question. If we add custom values into the form in the "CART TEMPLATE" and submit the form and land on the BILLING Page, are those custom values auto saved into the cache file? If not, is there any way we can save it to the cache file along with the regualar data?
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Re: Products In Cart, Where Does SS Store Data?

Postby Jim » Fri May 01, 2015 7:11 am

What type of data would you be adding?
The cart will only keep data that is normally in an order, there isn't any way to add extra fields to the order itself from the shopping cart screen. You can add some information on a product by product basis using the product options and a few custom fields. (see for some examples).
In a Pro level store you can use the Custom Checkout fields to gather additional information on the Billing/Shipping screen. (Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout down near the bottom of the screen)
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