7.0.3 maintenance patches fix some problems with v7.0.3
Product: ALL
Version: v7.0.3
Platform: ALL
I have ShopSite v7.0.3 (or earlier) and am experiencing some technical problems, are there any v7.0.3 patches available?
Solution ID: S5489
Yes, a group of maintenance patches are available. The patch files and the issues they address are listed below.
IMPORTANT! All files in the v7.0.3 patch directory are to only be used with ShopSite 7.0.3. Using these patches in stores of a different version may cause problems and is not recommended. All patches in the patch directory should be applied at once, as some fixes may rely on more than one patch file. When the patches are applied, the ShopSite version will display as v7.0.4 on all platforms but BSD and Windows.
The patches are available on the ShopSite partner FTP site, contact your ShopSite reseller and request these patches if you are experiencing any of these issues. All patch files should be transferred via FTP in Binary mode unless otherwise specified, and should replace the file of the same name (we recommend making a backup copy of the original files first) in the directory specified, and retain the same file ownership and permissions as the original file had.
Place these files in the shopping cart cgi directory (usually named 'sc or 'sb'):
* Fixed the handling charge not being included in the list of shipping options (although it would be included in the shipping amount in the totals column) if the handling charge formula settings use the shipping amount to calculate handling.
* Fixed redirection problem on Windows server platform when adding items to shopping cart and "show shopping cart" option is unchecked.
* Fixed an internal server error when trying to add items to the cart or view the cart caused by a very rare instance where information in the cookie that saves the shopper's zip code and country selections was incomplete or garbled.
* Fixed a template problem in Manager stores where the default shopping cart template would always be used for the Checkout screen instead of the custom template specified by the merchant.
* Fixed NPC VirtualPAY payment processor error caused by changes by NPC to their gateway servers.
* Fixed some Order API variable values, such as Name, so they are URL encoded.
* Fixed an issue where Digital Download item download link could be incorrect in the receipts if multiple Digital Download items were purchased in the same order (all download links would download the first Digital Download item in the order).
registration.cgi (Windows and BSDi server platforms only)
* Use the correct merchant-definable text for the Store.EnterNewPassword custom template tag used on certain Customer Registration screens.
Place these files in the back office cgi directory (usually named 'ss' or 'bo'):
* Fixed NPC VirtualPAY payment processor error caused by changes by NPC to their gateway servers.
* Fixed a possible problem while creating temporary indexes of pages and products during database uploads if a page or product record in the databases contained leading or trailing spaces in key fields (namely, Name and SKU).
* Fixed a possible problem creating the temporary indexes of pages and products if too many blank or empty records are found in the current databases during database upload.
* Added support for selecting a custom shopping cart template in Manager stores.
* Added support for uploading delimited text files (for Page or Product upload) created on Macintosh (due to the different end-of-line characters used by Macintosh for text files).
* Added support for uploading text files (for Custom Template, Custom Page, and Digital Download uploads) created on Macintosh (due to the different end-of-line characters used by Macintosh for text files).
* Fixed an internal string format that caused LibSafe system monitoring application to kill the process.
libsscommon.so.1 (except for BSDi and Windows server platforms)
(Note: replacing this file will change the version number to ShopSite 7.0.4)
* Fixes required by other cgis and fixes in this group of patches.
* Lock new .processing lock file when using the Automatic XML Order Download (db_xml.cgi) so that using the backoffice Orders functions (orderhandler.cgi) does not try to process new orders into the orders databases if it is run at the same time.
* Use the correct merchant-definable text for the Store.EnterNewPassword custom template tag used on certain Customer Registration screens
db_xml.cgi and dbextract.cgi (Windows and BSDi server platforms only)
* Lock new .processing lock file when using the Automatic XML Order Download (db_xml.cgi) so that using the backoffice Orders functions (orderhandler.cgi) does not try to process new orders into the orders databases if it is run at the same time.
Note: the following template files should be transferred via ASCII/Text mode when using FTP.
Place this template file in the shopping cart cgi templates/pages directory:
* Fixed a problem which could cause generate.cgi to never terminate if more that 27 pages are assigned to a page using the Tabbed Navigation theme or the tab_page_template template.
Place this template file in the shopping cart cgi templates/includes directory:
* Fixed a problem causing the text of an internal template comment to appear on store pages, caused by a extra leading space before the comment character ('#').
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Last Updated
14th of November, 2008