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Search Results for "S5528"

There were 2 articles found for your query:

  1. patch to fix issues with Google Base/Froogle data feedspatch to fix issues with Google Base/Froogle data feeds [Article]
    Product: ShopSite Manager and Pro Version: v8.3 and newer Platform: ALL I have ShopSite v8.3 or newer and am using the Google Base/Froogle/Google Product Search feature via the FTP con
  2. 9.0.4 maintenance release fixes some problems with v9.0x9.0.4 maintenance release fixes some problems with v9.0x [Article]
    Product: ALL Version: v9.0, v9.0.1, v9.0.2, v9.0.3 Platform: ALL I have ShopSite v9.0, v9.0.1, v9.0.2, or v9.0.3 and am experiencing some technical problems, are there any patches or n