Auto Delete Pages when name is changed

General ShopSite user discussion

Auto Delete Pages when name is changed

Postby April A » Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:07 pm


I'm fairly new here and to ShopSite.

Is there a way to automatically delete generated HTML files after I
change the file name from ShopSite?

Dumb, but I keep forgeting to put in a custom file name or decide to
change the name after the fact and I'm left with all these HTML files
that are not in my active store.

April A

Re: Auto Delete Pages when name is changed

Postby jim » Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:38 pm

If you have server access you could just delete the pages using the
command line with something like rm page*.html or rm product*.html (or
on windows del page*.html). Without server access you could create a
dummy page in ShopSite with the page filename that you want to delete
and then delete that page and the associated file will be deleted.


April A wrote:

I'm fairly new here and to ShopSite.

Is there a way to automatically delete generated HTML files after I
change the file name from ShopSite?

Dumb, but I keep forgeting to put in a custom file name or decide to
change the name after the fact and I'm left with all these HTML files
that are not in my active store.


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