Search Keyword Groups

Request and discuss enhancements to ShopSite

Search Keyword Groups

Postby gourmetdelights » Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:06 pm

The idea is to be able to have SearchGroups of keywords, and then use those groups to populate the "Search Keywords" field

As it stands I need to manually type in each search word, for each product, and each alternative spelling of each word. As a long, single line, list, this becomes cumbersome very fast, and duplicates sometimes exist.

Also when a customer creates a new misspelling, or a new brand shows up I could simply update the SeachGroup and it would then apply to all products with that SearchGroup vs. updating all 20 products (i.e. a new supplier of sardines, I add that supplier's name to the SearchGroup "sardines" and it applies to all sardines as someone searching for that supplier might also want to see the other sardine selections)

But If I could create SearchGroups

Then I could have words for each SearchGroup: Spain, Italy, France, fins, shellfish, spices, appetizers, vegetarian

which apply to all products from those general categories

Spain would have: Spain, Spanish, Espana, Galicia, Galician
Fins would have: sardine, sardines, tuna, mackerel
Shellfish wou;d have: clam, clams, cockle, cockles, mussel, mussels, oyster, oysters

Thus a product, a tin of sardines, would have on the Search Keywords, the SearchGroups: Spain, France, Fins, Seafood, appetizers, paleo
Artichokes would have Search Keywords: Italy, vegetarian, appetizers

Even better if these SearchGroups could be added like we add products to pages, thus eliminating chances of duplicates as even these groupings could grow into dozens if not 100

Thanks for your time and consideration
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