Displaying Live Inventory Updates

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

Displaying Live Inventory Updates

Postby girlcandler » Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:48 pm

Hello. I need a little help setting up my products to show live inventory updates. I don't really want the popup - I'd rather the customer see right then and there whether or not we have it and how many are available to purchase. I'm aware that I need to add
[-- ProductInventoryActual /cgi-bin/sc "available" --]
somewhere and that in order for my webhosting service to process a server side include the html with the request needs to end in .shtml, but other than that I need help! I have only moderate html skills. Also, is there anyway to add this to a style sheet or something? I have literally THOUSANDS of products and editing every single one is going to be painful - but I'll do it if I must. Can someone help me set up ONE product so that I can apply my newfound knowledge to other products?

Thanks so much in advance!
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Postby Jim » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:04 pm

You add the tag to the product template and place it somewhere near the Product add to cart button. So you don't add it to the product itself, just the template code that displays the product.

You must make sure that your server has server side includes turned on or it will not work.
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Postby Eamon » Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:59 am

FYI, if you're working with Lexiconn as your hosting company they can set it up so all .html files are processed as .shtml files and work with SSI. If you're not with Lexiconn, it might be a good option to ask your hosting company if they can configure your account so all .html files are processed with SSI.
Eamon Rodeck
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