I upgraded the frontpage extensions for a customer who is using shopsite
7.1.1 on FreeBSD 4.8, with Apache 1.3. Of course the upgrade script
knows best and changed all file owner information to the owner of the
web site. Previously many of the files were owned by the web server user.
I immediately changed the ownership of the files back. But I've
apparently missed something.
Now we get "Unable to open global.aa!" when trying to add items to the
shopping cart. I've verified that the global.aa files are rwx by the
web server user.
I'm currently working on restoring yesterday's backup, but we need the
new version of frontpage to work for this site.
I have never worked with shopsite before. It was installed by the
former admin and has worked fine until now.
I tried to get tech support from shopsite.com and even purchased a
support incident, of course the receipt comes back with "ShopSite
Support is available Monday through Friday during normal working hours."
Grr. They could have mentioned that somewhere on the web site.
Is there a script which can be run to ensure all file owner/permissions
are correct?