Apple Pay Woes

General ShopSite user discussion

Apple Pay Woes

Postby lneibauer » Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:14 pm

I am desperate for some Apple Pay help. When we stood up our site (in 2006), we were using (AIM Legacy) to process credit cards. Last Tuesday I switched the credit card processor to the non-legacy so we can start to accept Apple Pay. This morning I followed the instructions from shopsite to set up Apple Pay and everything looks good, on Apple devices I get the little Apple Pay icon. When I attempt to to pay for an item using Apple Pay it starts to process the transaction and then after 30 to 45 seconds I get a generic error message on my phone that says "this website was not able to complete the payment. Please try again" I talked to Lexiconn and they can see the transaction going out and they get a code 200 which I was told that is good but that is all they see. I then called and they were less then helpful and told me that their integration only supports IOS Mobil Apps not website. I don't think that is the case but since they don't see any incoming transactions they were just not that helpful

Can anyone give me some additional advice on how I can troubleshoot this or what to ask Lexiconn or ask I just don't know where to go from here

I would certainly appreciate any help in this matter

Frustrated........ :evil:
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Location: Warminster, PA

Re: Apple Pay Woes

Postby ShopSite David » Mon Jul 15, 2019 3:14 pm

Tried to see the error but it looks like you have turned off ApplePay. Can you reenable it?
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Apple Pay Woes

Postby lneibauer » Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:03 am

Apple Pay was turned back on as requested. Thanks for your help in this matter
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Location: Warminster, PA

Re: Apple Pay Woes

Postby lneibauer » Fri Jul 19, 2019 12:38 pm

Just wanted to give everyone an update, As it turned out we had a credit card processor issue, we had to uncheck "Decrease PCI Scope" in the config screen. Once that took place it solved our Credit Card processor issues. After doing all that I re-did Part 2 of the setup form the Shopsite Apple Pay document and everything started to work. I want to thank Shopsite David for all his help with this process, without him I could not have figured this out. :D
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Location: Warminster, PA

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